Monday, October 21, 2013

October, 2013 Down Syndrome Awareness... Day 10

Ms Kellie...

Have you ever been around someone that just makes you happy? Just their mere presence makes you smile? They never fail to make you laugh, even tho they sometimes make you cry?

Someone good. Someone kind and compassionate. Someone fun and funny. A one of a kind someone.

Not really?

Well… meet Ms. Kellie

She is a gem.

Kellie has been a (very big) part of Josh’s life since 1st grade. She was his one on one aide at school for 4 years… give or take an afternoon or a week. She’s seen him at his very worst and she’s seen him at his very best. And… because of that… she has seen me at my very worst and she has seen me at my very best.

I know she will tell you that she’s not perfect. I know she’ll tell you that she has bad days, ornery days, testy days and tearful days. I know she’ll say that Josh (and the other kids) make her job easy. I know she’ll make mention of the awesome staff she works for and with when she grins and tries hard to accept these compliments. And all that is true.

But SHE is a gem.

This year, the pair of them were separated. The school felt that Josh had probably become too dependent on Kellie and needed a change. My head knows they were right. But my heart fought with my head. Kellie was the one to reassure me that it was the best possible move for Josh. She set my mind at ease. Again.

Josh is having a fabulous year. His new one on one has taken the reins and run with them. He’s thriving and learning and loving and marvelous. She has a reward system in place that is working… a huge testament to her persistence, abilities and experience. Do you know what the “reward” is if he follows directions and has a great afternoon?

Special time with Ms. Kellie.

Special, alone, just the 2 of them having fun and being silly time with Ms. Kellie.


I asked Ms. Kellie to write for me this month because she honestly has spent more time with Josh over the past few years than even I have. She knows him inside and out and loves him… inside and out. I wanted to get the perspective from someone who is in the trenches with our kids, who sees them both struggle and succeed.

You'll see exactly what I mean when you read her thoughts tomorrow...

This photo is my all time favorite of Ms. Kellie. It shows her true personality. She’s fun loving and fun and makes you laugh.

She came to Josh’s birthday party last year with family… played ping pong with him for 30 minutes using our kitchen table… in the middle of the party… and family is still talking about her.

She leaves a lasting mark on your heart.

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