Wednesday, March 13, 2013

30-day husband challenge...

So I was listening to Nancy Leigh DeMoss after dropping the kids off this morning and she issued a challenge.  I only caught the end of her program but it was enough to inspire me to take the challenge.  It's called the 30-day husband encouragement challenge.  That's something I don't do a whole lot of... encourage my husband... so I thought, why not?  I'm in.

The challenge involves hard work.  In fact, it involves me transforming my personality a whole three hundred and sixty degrees.  I can't complain to him or about him for 30 whole days.  I can't complain about him to anyone else for 30 whole days either (that one isn't so hard as I have been working hard at that for a number of years)... but I do an awful lot of complaining to him and about him right to his face. 

The 2nd part of the challenge is the easier part (notice I said easier, not easy).  I am to encourage him and thank him both privately and (ACK!) publically for 30 days.  I thought,  what better way than on my blog (I'm not sure Jon will agree with being the center of attention on my blog for 30 days... we'll see).  

So... you all get to humor me as I embark on what looks overwhelming at the very moment.  And that's not to say we have a bad marriage, Jon and I... quite the contrary actually... I think we have a fairly good marriage.  But I also think every marriage has room for (lots of) improvement and every marriage takes (lots of) hard work and commitment... and (lots of) encouragement.

Ms. DeMoss testified on her radio program that she has received letters from changed marriages, improved marriages, closer marriages, more Godly marriages.  I'm definitely in.

Day 1 of the 30-day husband encouragement challenge...

(I read up on this a bit on her website and she gives pointers about how and where to start, what to thank him for or encourage him with on the first day, the second day and so on.  They are just ideas... we can use them or come up with something totally random.   I decided to go with her first day idea, which is to thank Jon for choosing ME, above all others, to be his wife and partner in life.)

Dear Husband:  

Thank you so much for choosing me to be your wife.  I am so thankful that God worked out each detail in YOUR life... even allowing you to get a job at the same hospital I worked in.

(And let me remind you of your interview... how you showed up early so decided to run into walmart quickly for a birthday gift, got locked out of your truck in the pouring rain and had to have the Waterville Police Department deliver a soaking wet you to the hospital's front door... and they still picked you for the job... yeah, that was God.  Really now, looking back, that should have given us a LITTLE indication of how crazy our lives together might be, hahaha!!).  

I can't say I deserved you in those early months, but you saw something special in me and you let me know that.  I appreciate that you overlooked the surface and took time to get to know my underneath.  I appreciate all the long talks and encouragement you gave ME during that time.  

Thank you for believing in the possibilities of a future with me.  We've come a long way baby... SO thankful to have you beside me for both the good and not so good.  

Thanks for choosing me.  


So that's it folks.  That wasn't so hard.  In fact, it was kinda fun to think about the early days... when everything was new and exciting.

Anyone wanna take the challenge with me?  If so, leave comment here, on facebook or shoot me an email... we can encourage each other as needed along the way.  I dare you...


1 comment:

  1. I am not married, but I am in a committed relationship that has became a lot harder than it was in the beginning. We are coming up on the end of our first year together and boy have things changed. I feel like I have went from a world of sunshine and rainbows to a dark place that I have never ventured to of negativity and unhappiness with the way my relationship is and the in myself as a person. I think this may bring me back to the brighter side of the tracks... Thank you
