I do an awful lot of complaining. I can find something wrong with just about anything. I'm not proud of that. I have been working (for years) on changing that because I know it's not how God desires for me to act. I think maybe I'm a wee tiny bit better than when I started to take notice... but I have such a long way to go.
Seriously, I don't even realize I'm complaining. It's a case of open mouth out comes complaint.
Thankful Thursday...
Today I am thankful for Caleb.
Caleb would tell you that he's the one that gets into trouble around here most. And I won't argue that. Part of that is because, really, Jon and I have no idea what we're doing half the time and the oldest gets the brunt of our parenting blunders. He's our experiment.
But... Caleb would also tell you that he brings much upon himself. He's a prankster. He's an instigator. He has a love/hate relationship with being the center of attention. He readily admits (and thinks it's a little funnier than it probably really is) to causing a lot of ruckus at school but the teachers would NEVER think it was him. Yep, he IS Jon's son (any of you that know Jon know how true that statement is, lol).
All that said tho, I (obviously) wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. Caleb has my heart. When he was born, something in me changed and I'm so incredibly thankful to be his mom. I'm proud of who he is and who he isn't.
I love you Caleb (even if I WAS complaining about you a little bit ago and dad had to set me straight, remind me of all the good qualities that make you you). You make me laugh (and cry). You have so much going for you... so much to give... keep seeking for His will in your life and I'll keep praying.
Now, what about all of you readers? What are YOU thankful for on this lovely Thursday evening?
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