Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy World Down Syndrome Day...


Yes people, I know I'm a week late in posting this but it has taken me this long to figure out how to do it (and I don't even know if this works so please let me know if it doesn't).

Abby and Josh are BFF's.  

Abby made this video to celebrate her brother, whom she loves with her whole heart.  She is his biggest advocate (even bigger than me) and his biggest cheerleader (way bigger than me).  She spends time with him, is patient with him and loves him unconditionally.  

She has an uncanny ability to understand his language (altho I'm sure she makes it up 
and get him to do what she wants him to do (which is both good and bad because 
he waits on her hand and foot if she asks, lol) 

Their relationship is special (and envied by the other siblings in the house).   Abby wants to grow up and have a son/daughter with Down Syndrome... that says something.  

Enjoy (if it works)!

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